TryHackMe: Cryptography for Dummies
Become familiar with cryptography
Task 1: Intro
I understand why cryptography is important!
No answer needed
Task 2: Types of cryptography
What type of cryptography is more secure?
Symmetric cryptography is faster than asymmetric, but asymmetric is more secure.
What type of cryptography is faster?
What type of cryptography will a Bank site use?
What will you use to encrypt your messages in asymmetric cryptography?
public key
What will you use to decrypt messages in asymmetric cryptography?
private key
Does symmetric cryptography use two different keys for encryption/decryption? (aye/nay)
Asymmetric cryptography use two different keys for encryption/decryption.
Task 3: What is a hash?
I understand what are hashes!
No answer needed
What’s the MD5 hash of “hashes are cool”?
Using MD5 Hash Generator Online Tool, we can generate MD5 hash of any text.
What does MD5 stand for?
Message Digest 5
Who created MD5?
Ronald Rivest
Task 4: Decoding/encoding
Encode the string “cryptographyisuseful” with Base64
Using Base64 Encode Online Tool, we can encode a string to Base64.
Decode the string “dGhlIHNlY3JldCB3b3JkIGlzIDogd2F0ZXJtZWxvbg==”. What’s the secret word?
Using Base64 Decode Online Tool, we can decode Base64 to a string. We found the string “the secret word is : watermelon”.
Task 5: Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
No answer needed