Termux Tool — IP Tracer Tool

Pulse Coder
2 min read4 days ago


If we need information from an IP Address, we can use this tool.

Code Explanation

Firstly, we need an IP Address to extract its information. We will take the IP Address as user input.

Now we use an API to find the information of IP Address. Loads the API Data in JSON format so that we can easily access this data. Now we can print information as we want.

Complete Source Code

import os, socket, json

def ip_track(ip):
if ip == "":
ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
ip = ip
ip_response = json.loads(requests.get("http://ip-api.com/json/"+ip).content.decode("utf-8"))

ipTrack = ""
ipTrack += "IP: " + ip_response["query"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Country: " + ip_response["country"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Country Code: " + ip_response["countryCode"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Region: " + ip_response["regionName"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "City: " + ip_response["city"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Zip: " + ip_response["zip"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Time Zone: " + ip_response["timezone"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "ISP: " + ip_response["isp"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Organization: " + ip_response["org"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "AS: " + ip_response["isp"] + "\n"
ipTrack += "Latitude: " + str(ip_response["lat"]) + "\n"
ipTrack += "Longitude : " + str(ip_response["lon"]) + "\n"

ipAddress = input("Enter IP Address: ")

Download Source Code: IP Tracer Tool

Contributor: Shariat Ullah Pathan

